Easter 2007-- all about faith, resurrection and joy, huh?...how very fucking appropriate...
Today started off as a terrible grey day, with Chery very upset over the grisly death (eaten by semi-feral dogs) of her beloved cat, Boris, and the tension between us as thick as toxic molasses. For most of the morning I felt trapped between wanting to reach through her immense sadness in some way, and then feeling like her (apparent) sense of entitlement was going to bring out the absolute worst in me...things that Ive worked hard to control, if not eliminate. Wanted to scream with the unhappiness, the helplessness of it all...
Dan came over later that morning , and we (along with Cheryl) drove out to Jana's home to pick up the antique Korean chest I had bought...beautiful piece, and perfectly suited for storing all those pesky cd's stashed in the last unpacked box from my recent move into the new loft. Made me happy....what a good little interior decorator I'd make, huh? Anyway, got some loving advice from Dan about the danger (to oneself) about being bitter, angry to people. Armed with this, I went back and had an open, positive discussion with Cheryl...
Cheryl rests for a while, the day unfolds in its own inexorable way....and she rallies as the day slips into early night. And her new positive energy (mine also?) absolutely changes the entire context around her, us. [I cant help thinking of the line from What the Bleep?: when you change the way you look at things, you change the things around you.]...
Dan stopped by first and we opened up some champagne...Happy banter...Cheryl starts planning for her fabulous meal, though for some reason we are all rooted to the slow easy pace as it seems to be unfolding. And, even though we all refuse to do a grocery run, Cheryl's culinary skills win out in the long run...she makes an amazing Tuscan feast using only random ingredients we had in the loft. Brava, ragazza, brava!!! Florence arrives, with her radiant smile and warm aura, and wows everyone with her terribly Indian kaftan/kurta thingy...mad style points for you Miss Florence! Then Deirdra comes with her quiet intelligence and curious mind. Shes stunning in her sexy librarian neo-geek black glasses. She stays way past her bedtime...
But who can blame her?...the evening has this organic quality about it and the laughter, joy and fun warms us all.
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