Without Lassen there I was the only common link between folks, so I did intros and pointed out common interests....travel and music, esp. Jason's interesting musical journey and his new opportunity to do a film score. As the food starts coming out, the conversation gets increasingly pre-verbal (grunts, moans, etc) and then as the entrees come to a climax the conversational regression hits a low point and becomes nonverbal altogether (head nods and wags, eye rolls, etc). Throughout, I can see out of the corner of my eye Shanti smoking cigs on the porch every 15 minutes or so. He's in a pretty quiet mood, or maybe I shouldve spent more time chatting with him when we arrived...I'm always surprised that he remembers me...
The snow has picked up momentum while we were eating...after a slippery drive to the Dairy Center, the Third Law dance performance was sorta underwhelming-- themes of immigration, love, lost and found memories, youth and aging, loss. Definitely some innovative movements and specific dance syntax...but overall a somewhat dull set of dances, inconsistent tone/polish. One major exception...The Box Dance!!! Amazing, even virtuoso, athleticism, humor and playfulness that didnt sacrafice the symbolism-- one's movement within the confines of life (love?fear? etc).
Late supper at The Med-- Soo Young joins and we make quite an eclectic and diverse group...I love that!!! Finance folks, creative folks, software & hardware engineers, PhD and musicians and dancers. Maybe theres hope for cowtown after all, huh? if such a group can spontaneously self-organize....Gigi, Dan, Deirdra, Cheryl, Jason, Jennifer. Much laughter, 2bottles of Rioja and empanadas and a pizza. Deirdra in particular strikes me as a person of note, whereas in our previous discussions (very fleeting and superficial, admittedly) that was not my feeling. Hmmmm...
While dropping off SY, I am pulled over and given the full DUI drill culminating in the dreaded breathylizer...all worked out in the end....seems I didnt drink all that much (2-3 glasses?) and the rest, well, my metabolism mustve taken care of...
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