OK, so I just ate the world's most expensive ice cream. Was food shopping, minding my own business, and decided to get ice cream because its been so fucking hot here in cowtown Denver (several 100 degree days, and far too many 95+ degree days already!). Then...BAM!!!...I noticed the sale signs in the ice cream section and was just flabbergasted to see the offer: 2 pints for $10...yup, you read correctly-- 10 smackers. What kind of fucking sale is that, exactly? 10 bucks for ice cream? Anyway, my consumer outrage dissipated a bit as I read the label...pure chocolate from different regions, sourced locally, high quality and very pure, yadda yadda yadda.... But the last of said indignation was blown away when I actually ate the ice cream (pictured)....truly fucking amazing!!! Rich, creamy and bittersweet on the front end and then slowly, almost impreceptibly, sweetening on the back end. If you feel like wasting the MSRP of $6/pint, I strongly recommend that the chocolate lovers among you rush out and try this shit. Hell, its cheaper than dating, right?! LOL!!! Web: www.choctal.com
I just tasted Choctal ice cream yesterday, and it's absolutely awesome! It's premium ice cream with high concentration of chocolate and vanilla in the vanilla flavored ice cream.
GSH.... There are other ice creams out there that are more expensive than our.... but I do not think as good!! I am the founder and wanted to thank you for the post and to say that this project is not only a labor of love, but just plain fun.... I'm having a blast Check out our four different vanillas and the Rain Forest Chocolate Vanilla swirl.... it is awesome and the vanilla is the only vanilla in the world that has Rain Forest Alliance approval
Marc S. Boatwright founder of Choctál
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