...is visiting Sydney
he loves Brooklyn
He looks hot in long hair
his scent is instinct
(and mine is desire)
you haven't lived until you have had an English lad, with moves on and off the grass.
I would rip the shirt off his back be it 7 or 23 and like to get my hands on his balls.
mark of this man is his curve.
yes yes yes! Bend me Beckham!
There you have it. Yes he is here!
I wasn't able to get my hands on a ticket but thank God for TV, I couldn't tear myself away lest I miss a moment. My eyes followed 23. It is the first time I have seen LA Galaxy play, the word that comes to mind is "appalling" and the sentence that comes to mind is "Becks, find a European club". Just so I don't paint all players with one stroke of paint, Donovan in his true to being "the best US born player the country has produced" style came in with 2 mins left and scored beautifully to salvage their scoreboard to reflect a decent 5:3 loss to the Sydney Football club.
Who said it was about the game, its always the boy!